PMI-ACP Practice Exam Providers

PMI-ACP practice exam providers

PMI-ACP® certification is in growing demand and aspirants are in constant search for the best practice exams to validate and speed up their learning. Here is a comprehensive list of pmi-acp practice exam providers, most of them offering sample questions. 360PMO Full …

Agile Triangle

The Evolution to an Agile Triangle

The traditional iron triangle of project management, the left-most triangle, consists of scope, schedule, and cost. In many cases scope was the primary driver (because the false assumption was made that scope was known early in the project) and cost …

Why design is important for success?

Last night, I listened to Mary Popendieck’s opening keynote speech that she delivered at the ‘Agile and Beyond’ Conference. She stressed that design is important for success, and I agree. She emphasizes that design needs to be considered early in …